Intro to Mindfulness & Compassion Course

I have devised and adapted a Mindfulness and Compassion course for one to one sessions The course last for 12 weeks , the fee is the same as psychotherapy £95 for 50 minutes , £75 concessions , £160 for couples sliding scale available.

The course is based one a Six weeks Introduction To mindfulness course ( SIT) . The course has been designed by worldwide meditation teachers Martin Aylward ( based in the UK and France ) and Mark Coleman ( based in San Francisco in the US ) and I hold a professional Mindfulness Teacher Certificate from MTI .

SIT Mindfulness and Compassion

This adapted Six weeks Introductory Training (SIT) in Mindfulness and Compassion to 12 weeks will teach you to develop a focused and embodied attention, self awareness, emotional intelligence, and greater sense of ease and wellbeing. You will learn a variety of mindfulness meditations and practical ways to integrate mindfulness into daily activities at work, home and in relationships. The course has been adapted for individuals and last up to 12 weeks depending on your needs.

The course will include the following:

Training in meditation, developing awareness of breath, body, feelings and thoughts.

Managing stress and learning how to shift from reaction to response.

Recognising and letting go of unhelpful habitual thoughts and mind states.

Exploring, understanding and working with a range of emotional experience.

Mindfulness and Compassion has been practiced by countless human beings throughout the ages and originates from the Buddhist tradition. It is now scientifically proven to help alleviate anxiety, depression and stress .

Please don't hesitate to contact me on

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me to arrange an initial consultation. There is no commitment at this stage. If you decide you'd like to work with me, we can discuss how the work can be structured , we could contract for a brief period or for open-ended therapy.

I am also happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

I am a Registered health provider counsellor and psychotherapist with the main insurances including AXA, AVIVA and BUPA.

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